This is not an HPR program but here is info from the Youth Football Board. The high school also usually puts on a youth camp so will try to pass that info along as well when available. Higginsville youth tackle football camp for kids going into grades 3-6 will be July 23rd & 25th. 6:00pm-7:30pm. Location is the youth football field at Grandview school. (East lawn). Registration for Higginsville Youth Football is July 29th, 6:00pm-7:00pm, August 11th, 6:00pm-7:00pm. This is for tackle football,cheer, and flag football. Tackle is grade 3-6. $115.00. Flag is 1-2 grade, $60.00. Cheer is grades 3-6, $60.00. For cheer and flag football we just need proof of insurance For tackle football we need a copy of report card, birth certificate, and insurance card. Location for registration also at the Youth Football field. Forms needed for each: Tackle- Copy of Insurance, Copy of Grade Card, Copy of Birth Certificate Flag: Copy of Insurance Cheer: Copy of Insurance IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A COPY OF ALL FORM AT REGISTRATIONS THEN YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REGISTER AT THAT TIME. WE WILL NOT TAKE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. IF YOU DO NOT REGISTER YOUR CHILD HE OR SHE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE.