My name is Lydia Grumke. I am a senior at Lafayette County C-1 and have been a Girl Scout since kindergarten. In Girl Scouts, the highest award you can earn is the Gold Award. This is equivalent to the Boy Scouts’ Eagle Scout Award. Less than 6% of eligible Girl Scouts successfully earn the Gold Award.
For my Gold Award, I took on the project of renovating the tennis court at McCord’s Park. There was a lot of manual labor put into this project. The court was power washed. I replaced the chain-linked fence with a net. The backboard was extended another four feet and all repainted. Concrete was poured between the court and the backboard. I also designed an educational how-to-play the game sign to hang up to teach people how to play tennis. The court lines were fading, so I repainted them. This became a more detailed project than I had originally thought, but I am very proud of the final product.
There are many people that I need to thank. Without them, this project would have never gotten done. Tom Rinne donated a lot toward the concrete project. I am very thankful for his donation. Delbert and Gary Goetz, local volunteer fire-fighters, were able to use the fire truck tanks to have a water source since there is none at the park to power wash the courts. I spoke at the local Rotary Club about my project and the Girl Scout organization as a whole. They provided me with a donation to help me fund my project. The sign was made at Centsible Signs in Higginsville and was paid for in part by the business. ACE Hardware donated some lumber for the backboard. My church family at Salem UCC made up a majority of my funds.
I also need to thank the Higginsville Parks and Recreation for its donations and support. Thank you to Coach Stoner for his guidance and support throughout this project. Finally, thank you to anyone and everyone who funded this project. I really, truly appreciate the support. I hope the court will be used and appreciated for many years to come.
My name is Lydia Grumke. I am a senior at Lafayette County C-1 and have been a Girl Scout since kindergarten. In Girl Scouts, the highest award you can earn is the Gold Award. This is equivalent to the Boy Scouts’ Eagle Scout Award. Less than 6% of eligible Girl Scouts successfully earn the Gold Award.
For my Gold Award, I took on the project of renovating the tennis court at McCord’s Park. There was a lot of manual labor put into this project. The court was power washed. I replaced the chain-linked fence with a net. The backboard was extended another four feet and all repainted. Concrete was poured between the court and the backboard. I also designed an educational how-to-play the game sign to hang up to teach people how to play tennis. The court lines were fading, so I repainted them. This became a more detailed project than I had originally thought, but I am very proud of the final product.
There are many people that I need to thank. Without them, this project would have never gotten done. Tom Rinne donated a lot toward the concrete project. I am very thankful for his donation. Delbert and Gary Goetz, local volunteer fire-fighters, were able to use the fire truck tanks to have a water source since there is none at the park to power wash the courts. I spoke at the local Rotary Club about my project and the Girl Scout organization as a whole. They provided me with a donation to help me fund my project. The sign was made at Centsible Signs in Higginsville and was paid for in part by the business. ACE Hardware donated some lumber for the backboard. My church family at Salem UCC made up a majority of my funds.
I also need to thank the Higginsville Parks and Recreation for its donations and support. Thank you to Coach Stoner for his guidance and support throughout this project. Finally, thank you to anyone and everyone who funded this project. I really, truly appreciate the support. I hope the court will be used and appreciated for many years to come.