Lone Jack -
Lone Jack High School: 313 S Bynum Rd, Lone Jack, MO 64070
Elementary School, 600 N Bynum Road.
Highway 50 to Lone Jack. Turn North on N Bynum Road. The School is on the left.
Inclement weather: 816-545-4888
Lexington - Middle School, 1111 S. 24th St.
East of town on Hwy. 24. Turn north (left) on 24th Street.
The Middle School is the first building on the left. Inclement weather: 660-259-2697
Odessa - McQuerry Elementary, 607 S. 3rd St.
South on Hwy. 131 through town. Turn west (right) on College St.
Go 1 block to 3rd St. Turn south (left) and the school is on the west side of the street. Enter at south door on east side of school. Inclement weather: 816-633-5728
Odessa Middle School - 607 S 5th St, Odessa, MO 64076
Richmond - City Gym, 205 Summit
Hwy 131 North to 24 Hwy. Turn East (right) on Hwy. 24 (at Wellington). Take Hwy 13 North to Richmond.
Turn left onto E. Lexington St. Then turn left onto S. Thornton St. Turn right onto Summitt gym is on the left.
Inclement weather: 816-776-5304 X 3
Higginsville - Community Center-2101 Walnut St
From 13 Hwy turn east on Fairground Avenue, then turn north on Walnut. Gym is on the left.
Inclement weather: 660-584-2227
Higginsville Schools (West and East Gyms) - West: 807 W 31st St, Higginsville, MO 64037 - East: 807 B w. 31st Higginsville, MO 64037
Wellington - TBA
Lone Jack -
Lone Jack High School: 313 S Bynum Rd, Lone Jack, MO 64070
Elementary School, 600 N Bynum Road.
Highway 50 to Lone Jack. Turn North on N Bynum Road. The School is on the left.
Inclement weather: 816-545-4888
Lexington - Middle School, 1111 S. 24th St.
East of town on Hwy. 24. Turn north (left) on 24th Street.
The Middle School is the first building on the left. Inclement weather: 660-259-2697
Odessa - McQuerry Elementary, 607 S. 3rd St.
South on Hwy. 131 through town. Turn west (right) on College St.
Go 1 block to 3rd St. Turn south (left) and the school is on the west side of the street. Enter at south door on east side of school. Inclement weather: 816-633-5728
Odessa Middle School - 607 S 5th St, Odessa, MO 64076
Richmond - City Gym, 205 Summit
Hwy 131 North to 24 Hwy. Turn East (right) on Hwy. 24 (at Wellington). Take Hwy 13 North to Richmond.
Turn left onto E. Lexington St. Then turn left onto S. Thornton St. Turn right onto Summitt gym is on the left.
Inclement weather: 816-776-5304 X 3
Higginsville - Community Center-2101 Walnut St
From 13 Hwy turn east on Fairground Avenue, then turn north on Walnut. Gym is on the left.
Inclement weather: 660-584-2227
Higginsville Schools (West and East Gyms) - West: 807 W 31st St, Higginsville, MO 64037 - East: 807 B w. 31st Higginsville, MO 64037
Wellington - TBA